This is a long term review of the Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket electric dirt bike.
Having my kids go dirt biking is something that I really enjoy. It’s fun to see the excitement on their face. Dirt biking also teaches kids to overcome fear and obstacles in your path.
I choose to buy a Razor MX 350 Dirt Rocket for my kids to learn to dirt bike on.
Top 5 reasons your kids should start on the Razor MX350
- Lightweight
- No Noise
- Easy to operate
- No gears
- No heat
Getting a Razor MX350 is a smart move when it comes to teaching your kids how to dirt bike. The stress level is way lower than a standard ICE dirt bike.
No noise means you can chat with your kid while coaching him what to do. It also makes it less intimidating.
Not having to worry about the dirt bike dying on them is also a really big plus.
No gears allow them to get comfortable with twisting the throttle. If fact once I switch my kids to a CRF50 I always had them start and ride in 2nd gear as 1st gear was too snappy and can result in whiskey throttle.
They can ride the dirt bike in the back yard at any time. This allowed my kids to practice WAY more as Mom and Dad didn’t have to start the bike or worry about neighbors.

Razor MX350 SPECs
- Charge time 4-6 hours
- Top Speed 14 MPH
- Run Time 30 mins
- Lead Acid Battery
The Razor MX350 comes with a twist throttle just like a normal dirt bike but it’s not the entire grip. The top speed on the Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket is 14 MPH. This actually quite fast and because this is an electric dirt bike there is no noise. Make sure that your kids are riding this electric dirt bike in areas that are safe. DO NOT LET THEM RIDE IT IN THE STREET.
The Charge time is 4-6 hours and the plug is easy to operate and uses standard US 110V plug.
The battery life on the Razor MX350 is around 30 minutes. This depends on how fast the rider is going and also the type of terrain. If your child is riding in sandy dirt the RAZOR MX350 battery drains MUCH faster.
How reliable is the Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket?
I was actually surprised by how well the Razor MX350 worked.
Is it as good as a Japanese or European dirt bike?
For me, it’s an OK for reliability as I have had a couple of friends that didn’t have as good as luck as me.
It lasted about 4 years before it gave up the ghost so to speak.
It’s important to keep the battery charged as much as possible. With the lead-acid battery, they need to be constantly charged up.
For the money, it actually is a good buy.
- Light
- Easy to work
- No noise
- Not intimidating.
- Run time isn’t long enough
- Charge time is too long
- No suspension
- 5 out of 10 for reliable
Razor MX350 Reviews:
Awesome, Great for kids.
I bought this for my 5 year old last year and he still uses it almost everyday. He is six now and it’s still a perfect fit. He learned how to ride this before he learned how to ride a bike.
It’s fun! My 5 year old loves it. His friends and cousins love it. Adults love it too. It’s a good size for 5-7. Older kids, adults can ride it too though. My 14 year old and her friends use it all the time.
It’s quiet. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood. He rides it around our neighborhood and It doesn’t disturb anyone.
It’s fast. My 14 year old used a couple of times when she was late to school.
There’s a learning curve, but it wasn’t that long. My son had some falls, a few hard ones while learning how to turn and stop. Without ever learning how to ride a bike, it took him two days to balance on this. It took him a few weeks before he was able to perfect the turns and stopping distance without falling.
Good quality parts. My kid has run it through mud, small hills, thick grass, wet grass, tall weeds and it has never failed.
Set up was easy. It comes mostly completed. All I had to do was install the handlebars and mudguard. It took less than 15 min.
It’s fast. Using my bike, I can keep up with my son but I’m pedaling hard. It definitely takes a responsible kid to use this. I never let my younger kid use it unless I’m supervising.
As advertised, it’s battery powered. My battery initially lasted about an hour. After 9 months of almost daily use, it lasts about 40 min. With that said, I wish we could take is camping but we don’t because we would not be able to use it more than 40 min.
Buy it!
It’s perfect for littler kids (age 5-9)
I bought this motorcycle for my son’s 5th birthday. I was a little nervous that it would be too big for him but it has been incredible! He loves it so much I bought my other son one for his 7th birthday. I’ve had it for 4 months now and here are my thoughts:
-It’s perfect for littler kids (age 5-9).
-Because the max speed is 17mph it’s great for smaller areas. You don’t need acres to have a good time.
– My kids can ride for 30-45 minutes without the battery getting too low (they weigh around 50 lbs each).
-Older kids (8-10 year olds) want to ride it when they come over.
-My kids wreck at least once per day, scrapes but no serious injuries.
-my kids ride it together (2 at once) and have a blast. It’s a little slower but they are a little hyper and have a good time.
– This helped my 5 year old become proficient on a bicycle. After riding this for a week or two he looked like a pro on his bicycle. Before buying the motorcycle, he asked for help starting out on his bicycle and would fall when slowing to a stop occasionally. His balanced improved quickly after a week or so on the razor.
-I bought my 7 year old the mx400 and wish I hadn’t. I thought it was bigger than the 350, it’s not. Just a different color. I wish I’d just got him this one.
-The battery after 4 months is still holding a charge well and the motor is still as fast as my sons brand new mx400. We rode for an hour yesterday (off and on) and neither was dead when we were done.
Only con- Brake is pretty stiff. It’s tough for little hands to squeeze but my boys are figuring it out.
So far, great!
I got this for my 7 yo boy birthday. Box was damaged and had 2 holes, but the product was fine. Assembly took 10 minutes. First charge took only 5 hours. He rode it fine instantly and within 2 days he has mastered it. The bike goes just fast enough and has adequate power to handle riding on the lawn and modest hills (55 lbs) and on flat woods trails. The heavier neighbor kid (120+lbs.) was low on power when riding on turf.
This model has more room than the pocket rocket bike, but still I would rate this for 6-10 year olds. I would go gas for 10 yo and older. My boy is thrilled and uses it every day. The battery charge is adequate for 30-40 mins, but he is usually off it after using it 20 mins or so, and I plug it in, and he’ll go on it again an hour later, which seems to be working fine. I’ll charge it up overnight, and it is always ready with full charge in AM. Bike and plastic is durable so far, a couple of tip overs in the driveway(not wipe outs) with nary a scratch. I say buy it. I paid $210, and I see now the same is listed for $196. Free shipping was 3 days.
Quick, nimble, and fun!
Bought two of these for my 7 and 8 year old boys for Christmas. I was concerned at first about their dexterity and ability to transition from bicycles to mini-motorcycles, which these absolutely are. Needless to say they picked it up immediately and took off without a moment’s hesitation.
The assembly was a breeze (they come 95% assembled) and shipping was fast and exactly as indicated. They do indeed go about 12 – 14 MPH, so be aware that kids need to ride in a safe area like an enclosed neighborhood or park. Battery came almost fully charged, but do charge them for the full 18 hrs the first time anyway.
The boys rode these Christmas morning for two hours of playtime before they came home pushing the bikes with depleted batteries. After about 6 hours of charging they were off and at it again. I’d say the realistic continuous use time is about 1 hour. The boys did a lot of stop-and-go and hence the longer playtime.
I am a motorcycle rider and I can tell you these are every bit as realistic as riding a motorcycle. Great first motorbike for kids. Again, just be aware that these are basically real motor vehicles and kids need to stay off the main roads and away from cars.
Overall a great product that I highly recommend. Price at $199.99 was good for what we got, for sure!
Fantastic product!
This thing is fantastic, why anyone would ever buy a powerwheels again is beyond me.
I was having a hard time teacher my 7 year old (who had been riding a bike without training wheels for 1.5 years) to ride a gas powered dirt bike, it was just two complicated, with the foot shifter and kick starter.
We unboxed this and assembled it in no time at all (maybe 15 minutes tops) and charged it for over 12 hours. The next day she got on it, and there was no learning curve at all. She took off and had so much fun.
So what everyone really wants to know;
- Yes it really is super easy to assemble.
- Yes, it is very well built, it has a metal frame, and fork, and it feels well built and sturdy.
- While it does have actual rubber tires, it does not have much suspension, it’s not really that much of an issue for us, since we are using it on the grass in our yard, but should you want to use it “off road”, it would be bumpy.
- I have a average/slightly smaller then average 7 year old, and this is slightly small for her, she definitely still has fun and rides it everywhere but no way a 13 year old is fitting on this.
- Battery life is great, they play on it forn30-45 minutes at a time, and it’s not died on them yet.
Hope this helps, overall A+ product.
Great for the price, not equivalent to a “real” dirt bike
I got this for $200 delivered, bought it for my 4-yr old since he’s still too short to touch the ground on my old Honda Z50R (my first bike when I was a kid). For the price we paid it is actually built surprisingly well. History on my kid; he would ride with my on my Honda 50 and he would control the throttle, brakes and shifting while I managed the steering and balance (and occasional parental override on the brakes), so he had a good feel for the controls before he got onto this Razor. So the first time he got onto this Razor he took right off!
And he loves riding it! The motor has enough power to pull my 45# kid through mild grass and dirt (dirt roads) just fine, and even some mild woods trails. Mild hills are no problem, but it won’t climb steep hills or go through deep sugar sand by itself. The throttle is NOT variable, it’s on/off, but it starts off very smoothly so it’s not a jolt when he turns the grip, and he picked right up on bumping the throttle on/off to go slow. It only has a rear brake (lever on the left handlebar) and no suspension. But the battery goes easily for an hour of non-stop riding on a hard surface and top speed is around 15mph on hard ground.
The brake lever is adult sized; the perch has the lever far enough from the bar to be comfortable for an adult or older kid, but my 4-yr old son has to take his hand nearly off the handlebar to reach out to the lever. But once he gets his hand on it he has no trouble pulling it in (for small hands, adjust it so the engagement point is closer to the bar), and it is plenty strong to lock the rear wheel even on pavement. For general zipping around this is fine, but it won’t be good for teaching technical riding where a rider needs to keep his fingers on the brake lever at all times. As soon as you touch the brake lever it turns the motor off which is probably a good feature for beginning riders.
The foot pegs are plenty wide, even for adults, and they fold up which is nice in a crash (and we’ve had lots of crashes!). There is no suspension so the poor little guys get beat up pretty good on rough ground. My son isn’t standing when he rides yet so he likes to avoid the very bumpy areas. The chain is completely covered so there’s no chance of the kids getting their pants or shoe strings caught in it. It’s very light weight (maybe 50#) so when the little kids fall the bike isn’t hard to pick up and doesn’t squish them.
The knobs on the tires are flat and square, similar to a trials tire, which means they have plenty of grip on hard surfaces. The seat height is low so little kids can touch the ground easily. Charging takes several hours, so once the battery goes dead it’s time to plug it in and go find something else to do for a while. You have to remove several screws to get to the battery, so even if you had a spare, swapping it while at the riding area would be a bit of a pain.
Pros: inexpensive, very light weight, soft forgiving (but adequate) power that won’t intimidate little kids, low seat height, reasonable battery life, fold up foot pegs, good build quality, nearly silent so the neighbors won’t complain.
Cons: no suspension, non-variable throttle, adult sized brake lever perch, not enough power for steep hills, long recharge time and swapping batteries takes too long to be convenient for the purpose of bringing extra batteries to extend ride time
Conclusion: If you want to figure out how “into” bikes your kids are before dropping $1500 on a real bike, or if you want to get a very small kid into the sport then this is a wonderful option. Despite the few short comings, this is a great bike for the price and my kid absolutely loves it. It won’t compete with a 50cc pee-wee bike from Honda, Yamaha, etc.., and probably won’t compete with an OSET electric ($1000), but it’s less than 1/5 the price or the other bikes, at least 50# lighter than the gas bikes and definitely a good buy for the price. I suspect kids in the city will ride this thing until the wheels are worn off, but more serious aspiring off-road or motocross riders will probably outgrow it quickly. You get a lot of bike for only $200, so if this is your price point or if you’ve got a young kid just starting out then this bike is a good buy.
You can actually buy a bigger brother to the Razor MX350 that has a crude working suspension so your kid isn’t getting jarred to death when riding in uneven terrain.
Charge The Bike Rating: 5 out of 10
Overall I feel like this is a solid buy if you don’t want to spend the money on a more expensive more intimidating ICE dirt bike when your kid is just getting started with dirt biking.
The last thing is you want is to spend $1000-$1900 on a dirt bike that your kid is scared of or doesn’t like.
They will learn faster on an electric dirt bike.
If you would like an electric dirt bike that Is higher quality we actually have a couple of really good options on the kids electric dirt bike market
Best Kids Electric Dirt Bikes – CLICK HERE
Anyone know of a variable speed throttle that works with the MX350 version 39? I believe it is a 4-wire connection, so thinking maybe the variable speed throttle I found online for versions 1-7 (also 4-wire connector) would work.
Hi I just purchased the razor dirt bike and it won’t stay charged for more then 10 min and runs out
We bought this bike for my grandson Xmas gift charged it up overnight but nope it didn’t take the charge the ted light never came on It started with green saying fully charged he went to ride it and it does not go. Any help would be nice t/y
Please check the connections.