Are you on the lookout for the perfect electric balance bike for your little one? Navigating the plethora of options available can be overwhelming, but fear not – we’ve sifted through reviews to bring you insights on some top contenders. In this article, we’ll delve into the Hiboy BK1 Electric Balance Bike, Masimmo E13 Electric Balance Bike, Droyd Weeler Electric Mini Bike, KKA Electric Balance Bike, 5TH WHEEL K8 Electric Bike, and TODIMART Electric Balance Bike.
Our comprehensive reviews are based on real experiences from parents and users, offering valuable insights into features like top speeds, battery life, build quality, and more. Whether you’re a parent seeking a reliable option for your child’s first electric balance bike or someone looking for the perfect gift, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore the world of electric balance bikes and find the ideal fit for your little rider.
Hiboy BK1 Electric Balance Bike For Kids
4.2 out of 5 stars 256 ratings
Highlight: Top speed at 9 mph

Valuable Insight:
I purchased this for my son.
The battery lasted a while, but when it came time to charge it the charger would not work.
I contacted Hiboy through the amazon app, and they were insanely helpful and got me fixed up better than ever. Again thank you Alice.
The bike now charges great and lasts a long time.
My son rides on the low speed and we have easily done two, one km walks and the bike still has four green lights for battery level. He loves the fact that he can drive up the hills and not have to get off and walk.
I would highly recommend this bike. The quality is great and it feels like an expensive bike. not a cheap Chinese knock off kind of deal.

Trending review:
I cant say enough how amazing this product is. Everything just works like it’s suppose to. I honestly wasn’t expecting the bike to perform to my standards but it exceeded them. The bike is plenty fast for a 3-5 year old.
My 4 yr old weights 40 pounds and it flies with him on it. It took around 15 minutes for him to get used to the throttle & brake system but he has it down now. This feels like a genuine quality product and I am definitely looking forward to get the DK1 when he gets older.
My only complaint is I wish it had a kick stand. I don’t want my kid to get used to dropping the bike down on its side and scratching up the paint constantly. I have to see how well the battery holds up over time.
Ingrid Turnage
Helpful review:
I purchased the hiboy bk1 for my 2 1/2 year old about a month ago. He had a strider balance bike and was riding that around like crazy, figured it was time for some assistance lol. He has been loving the hiboy and it seems to have a better battery life that even what the spec says.
The battery life indicator is nice and even in the lower gear it pulls him up the hills in the neighborhood easy. The feet push first then motor activate feature is nice so a kid doesn’t whiskey throttle it and learns nice and easy. The only two things I would want to change about it is making the entire right grip the twist throttle like a normal dirt bike or motorcycle.
The second one I would want to change is the brake lever being adjustable for smaller hands like his. He can still grab it and pull it , it just takes all 4 fingers and a little effort lol. Overall very impressed with it for a beginner e-bike and for the price compared to the stacyc
Masimmo E13 Electric Balance Bike
143 ratings | 45 answered questions
Highlight: Long-lasting battery for up to 6 hours.

Trending Review:
Spend countless days trying to decide what I wanted for my little girl. She road the strider balance bike for over 100 rides. As you can tell in the photo she needed something bigger.
She’s 5 yrs old almost 6 at 47 inches, and the electric 16″ balance bike is the perfect size when dropping the seat all the way down. She’s afraid of using the electric motor, but I’m sure she’ll get there sooner or later. This bike is very heavy duty that an adult can even ride it and it’ll still go roughly 12-15 mpr.
I plan to modifying the seat and command post, upgrading the fork with a 20″ front suspension fork, handle bar and stem.
-The brake lever really sucks. Even after adjustment the lever is really tight.
-Rear disk brakes were slightly bent. Used a Cresent wrench to bend it to straighten it out.
– Very pricey for what you’re getting.
Overall I’m very happy with the purchase

Reassuring review:
These bikes arrived on time and were packaged exceptionally, Upon taking them out of the box and putting the front wheel and handle bars on the bikes were ready to use. We charged them fully (took about 4 hours) and put them to use quickly, These bikes quickly surprised us not only with they’re speed, But build quality and functionality. Both my children love them.
I couldn’t find much on them prior to purchase, But am happy I did. The battery life is Fantastic, lasts for days, The bike is fast but is fully controllable by the throttle. My children have rode for hours on a single charge. Overall we are very happy and highly recommend the Massimo 16” E bike.
These bikes ride anywhere a dirtbike can, And the neighbors won’t hate you! 10 stars Massimo really knocked it out of the park with these at this price. Look no further these are amazing bikes. I made a video attached after a month of owning, We look forward to riding these all summer long.
James Quimby
Droyd Weeler Electric Mini Bike
46 ratings | 13 answered questions
Highlight: Lithium-ion battery pack and two maximum speed limit

Trending review:
Perfect ride on for my youngest son
My oldest son wanted an electric bike for Christmas and so my youngest decided he wanted one too!
We decided to get the Droyd Weeler to match what his older brother was going to receive for Christmas!
This came almost fully assembled. You have to attach the handle bar to the bike and all the tools/parts and directions were easy to read. Completed in less than 5 mins tops!
I really like the design – kind of has a motorcycle look and feel.
I like that the Weeler has a slow and fast function that requires a key to switch from one to the other. It made me feel safer knowing he was able to test and try the speed at his own pace without huge concern he was going to get seriously hurt on his first few attempts.
My 8 yr old son got on and rode it like he already knew how! I had to move it to faster within a few days. Wow! I’m worried about what he’s going to want next.

Helpful review:
My Son loves to ride this bike.
This is a fun little bike for my son who is 6. He is a little bean sprout at 3’6”. It was an easy assembly and came with the tools to put it together. I like that it has a fast mode and a slower mode. It would be nice to have a peddle alternative incase the battery dies.
It does have a battery charge meter. A light switch on the right handle to turn on and off a large LED headlamp. The left handle has a lever for a rear disk brake. The left side has a kickstand on the rear wheel. To turn it on there is a key and a switch, it keeps the kiddos from getting into trouble with it. It has a different set of keys for the speed setting, which is located on the right side by the seat.
All in all it is well made, fast charging, enjoyable mini bike.
Torrey P.

Reassuring review:
100%…Pure Fun!
Overall I liked how easy it was to put it together. Just attach the handle bar, kickstand and you’re pretty much ready to go. Charged it up and got my kid riding on it. I was gonna save this for Christmas but it was already at the door step when we got home so there was no hiding it.
I will say my kid is turning 5 in February next year and he has just learned to ride his bike. Then I think if you have a kid that does not know how to ride a bike they need to at least get comfortable on a stryder or something like it so they can get a feel for balancing on it.
Other than that my kid loves it. We live in a gated community so he doesn’t really have to worry about traffic so he got to take off and just ride!! There was bit of an adjustment period learning to use the throttle but he got it down pretty quick. He also dropped it a few times as is expected and overall really impressed with the build quality.
KKA Electric Balance Bike
13 ratings | 6 answered questions
Highlight: Lighter weight and more solid than metal frame.

Reassuring review:
Got this for my 3 year old niece for her birthday. She loves it. This is the most beautiful balance bike I have ever seen. The color of Tiffany Blue is really very attractive. I found this product at a glance when I was selecting gifts for my niece.
The bike came decently packaged in a small box and easy to assemble.I found the installation video on Amazon’s product page. It took me about 15 minutes to assemble it. The seat and handle are adjustable, and you can fix them according to the height of the child.This bike is made of magnesium alloy. I think it is very durable. Adults can carry it everywhere, but it is a little difficult for children.
After the first day, my 3-year-old niece couldn’t wait to try it again, and she is definitely getting the hang of it. I wish it had a kick stand so it doesn’t just fall over when the kids are done riding it.
To our surprise, it has more than ten different colors of lights. It can also connect to mobile Bluetooth and play songs. It’s really cool when riding at night. Every time we go to the street, someone will greet us and ask about the balance bike.
I alwayls think the balance bike is a great way for a child to just be a child and learn a natural way to ride a bike. Always use safety gear for children so that you minimize their chances of getting hurt.
I highly recommend this balance bike as it is a well-built amazing learning balance tool for children.In the process of learning balance, it can enhance children’s courage and self-confidence.This is the best gift for kids!
Helpful review:
My boy absolutely loves this electric balance bike. When he was just 3 years old,he went from a balance bike to this, and has done well. The bikes been going for 1 months now and everyday he wants to get on it and ride it. Slow speed is more suitable for his current age. When he is 4 years old, I will consider switching the speed to the second gear.
This little e-bike is actually nicer than shown on videos and present literature. There is now a 2 speed mode, about 5mph a 9mph. So, concerns about going too fast with younger riders have been addressed by KKA.
This bike is heavy compared to a regular child’s balance bike. Using it as an unpowered balance bike is very difficult for young riders. However, my baby (3y2m) is able to push-off and manage the throttle very well with just a few hours of use.
The adjustable seat and handle bars are very easy to use, we love this; though some type of height/level marking along the rod would make it even better! Over time, we have adjusted the height of seats and handlebars to ensure that children have a good riding experience. We will mark the steel pipe connecting the seat. When other children use it, we can quickly find the set height.
This is a product worth buying. At least at present, children like it very much. I am willing to give it five stars!
Valuable review:
Excellent Bike
The Bluetooth is pretty terrible but kids don’t know the difference.
This is a GREAT balance bike! My girl’s kid learned to ride within just a few days of using this.I love that this balance bike doesn’t weigh a lot even though it’s electric. The first bike I bought her was heavy and slow. It was also chain driven which was noisy and inefficient. This bike’s hub motor is quiet and makes plenty of power to push around a little kid. Battery life is pretty good. Everyone’s happy. I just got her a larger bike for her 5th birthday now that she’s outgrowing this one and I’ll pass this one on to a friend with a younger kid.
5TH WHEEL K8 Electric Bike for Kids
Highlight: Removable 22.2V 2.5Ah battery

Helpful review:
Love that it has 3 speed settings for them to learn safely
The Balance bike has no issues and the little ones had a blast riding it, with the youngest we could lower the speed to the low setting and are able to keep up to ensure they get the hang of it and they won’t get away from us. with the older one, we can set the speed higher and we don’t have to chase him since he knows how to ride a regular bike. It was easy to charge, setup and control.
The battery outlasted the playtime, so that is a plus! I’ve had one before that would lose power after just 30 minutes of play, this went at least 45 minutes and had a little more juice to go, but they were done playing.
The construction is nice and feels solid, I recomend ensuring the proper safety gear because you never know how quickly they will learn ( if they have not ridden any bike at all) but even so if they know how to ride, its always god to be safe.
The bike does not take off fast and I like that, so they wont get hit with a lot of torque that could cause them to lose control. The Bike also stops fine. Remember with this, its a balance bike so it has no pedals for brakes like some are use to with traditional bikes.
I recomend this for people looking to get their little ones in the electric bike loop, its for sure an excellent starting point before you get to larger models. But 200 Watts is more than enough power for the weight ratio of the little one riding it.
Patrick Garon

Valuable review:
Game-Changer for Beginners
I ordered this bike for my son on his 5th birthday, and he’s been riding it non-stop. He was a pro on his balance bike, so we decided to step up a notch. At first, there were a few bumps along the way – he took off and had a little crash because of the throttle control. It’s a bit touchy for kids who haven’t used one before, but once he got the hang of it, he’s been riding comfortably and having a blast.
This bike has definitely fast-tracked his journey to riding a regular bike without training wheels. A couple of spills, and he’s got it down. The battery life is impressive and even better than what the specs suggest. It’s only died once in the past month that we’ve had it, and we try to charge it every night.
Even in the lower gear, it easily powers him up the neighborhood hills. If I could change one thing about it, it would be the electric brake. It merely slows down the motor, so the kid has to use their feet to stop the bike primarily.
However, it can be dangerous if they are going pretty fast in high gear. Overall, though, I’m super impressed with this beginner e-bike. It’s been a game-changer for my son.
Trending review:
Well made balance e-bike
Note this e-bike can be operated and used as an unpowered balance bike too. It will freewheel, and you can just remove the battery. I think that’s important to allow for a training period while a little one gets very used to riding a balance bike and is skilled at coasting before introducing powered riding.
The bike is very adjustable to accommodate children of different heights. And max speed can be adjusted too, with three different max settings. 11 mph is the top available speed, which can seem pretty fast if you’re trying to jog along to lend a steadying hand.
It has an e-brake, that uses the motor to slow it down, but being a balance bike, the primary brake is the child putting his or her feet down and scrubbing to a stop.
Build quality is great. And it operates great too.
Once in a while
TODIMART Electric Balance Bike for Kids
24 ratings | 7 answered questions
Highlight: 150W Motor Power

Valuable review:
This TODIMART is a good electric balance bike for children ages 3-5 years old. It is a type of bike that is designed to help children learn balance and coordination, without the need for pedals. The bike is powered by a 22V 2.5Ah 150W motor, and it has a top speed of 6 mph. The bike comes with 12-inch tires, and it is suitable for boys and girls.
Electric balance bikes are a great way for kids to learn how to balance and control a bike, while also providing them with a fun and exciting way to get around. It’s important to note that the bike should always be used under adult supervision and it is good to check the maximum weight capacity before use. Also make sure to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer in terms of charging, usage and safety.
This electric balance bikes are a modern take on the traditional balance bike, which are powered by a small electric motor instead of being pedal-free. They help children learn how to balance and control a bike, while also providing them with a fun and exciting way to get around. They’re designed for children who are just learning to ride and are not yet ready for a full-sized pedal bike.The bike comes with a 22V 2.5Ah 150W motor which allows for a top speed of 6 mph. It has a 12-inch tire which is perfect for small children and the balance bike is built to be lightweight, making it easy for children to maneuver and control. It also features a LED Digital Display that shows the speed and remaining battery power, making it easy for children to understand how fast they’re going and when they need to recharge.
It’s important to note that the electric balance bike should always be used under adult supervision, and it’s recommended to check the maximum weight capacity before use. Also make sure to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer in terms of charging, usage, and safety. It’s also good to ensure that children wear appropriate protective gear, like a helmet, to minimize the risk of injury.

Trending Review:
Fun Bike
This was a great purchase! My 3 year old Grandson opened it (already charged) for Christmas, jumped on and rode without a glitch. The battery has never died, however, when he goes home I always charge it for the next time.
Amazon Customer
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